Terms and Conditions

The Cherry Tree Hotel takes great pride in ensuring all of our guests receive the best care we can offer. To ensure this happens please make sure you read these terms and conditions and sign the booking form to say you agree.

Health and Safety

Due to the social nature of the hotel all guests staying at Cherry Tree Hotel must be in good health and any medical conditions discussed and included on the booking form.

Guests must be up to date with vaccinations, flea and worming treatments. While Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gerbils and Rodents do not require a vaccination program, it will be expected that Rabbits are fully up to date with annual vaccinations against Myxomatosis, RVHD2 and VHD (Viral Haemorrhagic Disease). Proof of these vaccinations will need to be seen prior to boarding. Boarding will be refused for those that cannot show proof of these vaccinations.

Injuries are always a possibility with animals. Any injuries such as broken nails, sore feet, puncture wounds or abrasions/cuts will be managed by staff or at home. Where necessary veterinary care will be sought.

Guests staying at Cherry Tree Hotel will not come into contact with any of our other guests. Hutches/cages/runs will be cleaned thoroughly during and between visits to the reduce the risk of flystrike, respiratory and digestive issues. We will not be held responsible for your pet becoming a victim of flystrike and therefore we will not accept a rabbit that has a dirty bottom on arrival. All pets will be checked on arrival, if it appears that the pet is carrying external parasites (fleas/ticks/lice) they will be treated accordingly and the owner will be responsible for those expenses.

If any guests staying at the hotel become ill then you agree and authorise Cherry Tree Pet Hotel to contact your vet in a medical emergency. All attempts will be made to contact you, the owner first, however in the event of an extreme emergency, the well-being of the pet comes first. Medication will be administered as directed by the veterinarian. The undersigned owner hereby gives the veterinarian complete authority to treat the pet in whatever manner they deem necessary. You will be responsible for all veterinary costs upon release of the pet. You also give full authority to the treating veterinarian and associates to discuss with Cherry Tree Pet Hotel any aspect of illness or injury the hotel has presented for treatment. All treatments will be made under you, the owner’s, name and address.

Cherry Tree Pet Hotel accepts no liability in the event of injury, illness, loss or death of your pet during or after the stay. All pets are left entirely at owners’ risk. Cherry Tree Pet Hotel accepts no liability for injury by you whilst on our premises.

In the unlikely event that your pet passes away whilst in the care of Cherry Tree Pet Hotel you will be contacted immediately and follow your wishes.


Payment is expected at the time of arrival. You agree to pay the rate for boarding in effect on the date the pet is booked into Cherry Tree Pet Hotel.

Pets not collected at the time arranged will be charged a full day boarding for that day. Any pet not collected within 7 days and where contact of yourself or your emergency contact fails, will be re-homed.

You agree to pay for all services requested.


You authorise Cherry Tree Pet Hotel to use images of your pet on their website/social media whilst in their care.

By signing this agreement and leaving your pet at Cherry Tree Pet Hotel, You the owner certifies the accuracy of all information given about your pet to the best of your knowledge. You specifically represent that you are the sole owner of the pet.

By signing this agreement, you confirm that you have read and accept the terms and conditions and fees for the duration of the boarding booking.

This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties